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How can it help me heal?

     The John F. Barnes approach to Myofascial Release is a gentle sustained pressure in your fascial system. Fascia is what connects your entire body together down to a cellular level. It is one continuous web that connects and surrounds your bones, nerves, ligaments, organs, muscles and cells. It is the biggest living organism in our body besides our brain.

     When you experience a physical or emotional trauma, your fascia is what protects your body, and the tissue will become restricted. There are different levels of restrictions based on your specific life experiences and these restrictions cause so many of our symptoms and diagnoses today.

     These fascial restrictions can show up in the body as pain, tension, immobility, arthritis, frozen shoulder and the list goes on. This specific approach allows your body to feel safe in order to let go of those holding patterns and return to a more aligned self. 

     If you are looking to get to the root cause of your symptoms, exhausted all other options and are ready to do the work, then you are in the right place!

What is MFR?: Text
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